Morning Leaders – Warrior Pause

Morning Leaders. It’s easy to see how some warriors returning from a battle choose not to stay idle for long. They are warriors and they want to fight. But have they fully recovered from the wear and tear, injuries, and mental exhaustion?
How many of us are like that? We don’t fully recover or get healthy for the next adventure/journey/battle. We exhaust ourself in one project or ministry event and run right into the next one never fully taking stock of our health. Today let us pause and reflect where we are at physically, spiritually, emotionally, and relationally. It is in the pause where we can discern our true health status. #Pause #HealthyLeadership #SelfDiagnosis

Morning Leaders – Jump In The Damn Pool

Morning Leaders. As a kid I always entered the swimming pool by sitting on the ledge and dipping my feet into the water. I would stay there until I got acclimated to the temperature. It would take forever before I immersed myself in the water. Some years ago I realized I did that “inching into the water” thing in almost every area of my life. In order to disrupt this default I created an axiom, “Jump In The Damn Pool”. It’s written in my room and I say it to myself when I catch me in “inching” mode. For all of my “inching” friends, #JumpInTheDamnPool

Morning Leaders – Don’t Ask

Morning Leaders. I’ve watched and listened to leaders who don’t like thoughtful answers/critiques that oppose their thought process, especially in public. I’ve even seen them try to bully others into agreeing with them. If you want someone just to agree with you then don’t ask them a real question. Find a parrot or Talking Tom. That will probably make you feel better but you will be none the wiser. #NoYesPeople #Prov11:14 #Prov15:22