Morning Leaders – Without Community

Morning Leaders. “The more isolated and disconnected we are, the more shattered and distorted our self-identity. We are not healthy when we are alone. We find ourselves when we connect to others. Without community we don’t know who we are…
When we live outside of healthy community, we not only lose others. We lose ourselves…Who we understand ourselves to be is dramatically affected for better or worse by those we hold closest to us.” – Erwin McManus

Morning Leaders – BHAG

Morning Leaders. If you want to do well and transform a particular community (or organization), what is the big, hairy, audacious goal you have for it? What is that epic Vision? See that with clarity first. Then tell the story of your Vision to others so they can join you on the almost impossible quest. They need a story to follow. Otherwise they may just be following you. #VisionBringsClarityToThrive #PowerOfStory #EnlargeTheTerritory