Morning Leaders – Not About You

Morning Leaders. Not everyone wants to see the Truth. Sometimes you have to exercise great wisdom whether it is even worth opening your mouth. Sometimes silence and prayer is your best answer. You don’t always have to prove you are right. In due time when you feel a real door open up, THEN you can share. But don’t expedite the process by manipulating an “open” door to satisfy your own urge to control the outcome. Remember this is not about you. #Wisdom #Silence #Prayer

Morning Leaders – “Family?”

Morning Leaders. Please be careful when you use the word “family” in your organization. If people are only “family” when they are in your building or doing your activities, it is better to use a different word. People want to FEEL like “family” in ALL areas of their life, not just when they are in your building. Living out “family” when it is convenient for you is actually doing violence to others. If you are not going to embrace them and love them when they are not around you, then don’t give them the false expectations that they are family when they are around you. Family is still family regardless of distance and time. #Selah

Morning Leaders – Be Alive

Morning Leaders. “What you have to decide…is how you want your life to be. If your forever was ending tomorrow, would this be how you’d want to have spent it? Listen, the truth is, nothing is guaranteed. You know that more than anybody. So don’t be afraid. Be alive.” – Sarah Dessen // #KeepinIt300 #DontBeAfraidBeAlive