Why Don’t I…



Why don’t I write more often?

Writing was an escape for me as I was growing up. It was a place for me to be in my head. In my world of imagination. Where I lived. Where I survived. Where I thrived. No one could reach me there. It was the perfect hiding space.

And now I am before people. There are various platforms for me which have been designed by my writing. This grace God has given me with the pen is my destiny. Dare I share my hiding space with the world? That is a tall order to ask.

How do you take your private domain and make it public? What safe space would there be left? I don’t know but I’m going to experiment with it in boldness.


Morning Leaders – All For The Love

Morning Leaders. If I didn’t love I wouldn’t be writing many of the things that I write here at Morning Leaders. I write because of love to either bring exhortation, encouragement, wisdom, understanding, and even say the things that many people feel but would never say out loud. Love is what makes it possible to fully embrace truth. #WithMuchLove

Morning Leaders – unHide

Morning Leaders. This weekend I realized as I unHide more and more in my writing and speaking, it produces amazing fruit and blessings for others, and for me too. For those of you who are accustomed to hiding, what is one story from your life that you would like to share this week for the betterment of others? #HealingNarratives