Atlanta Bound

Yeah it’s 4:30 in the morning. And where am I? I am at LaGuardia Airport getting ready to go to Atlanta.  I am not tired…yet. So why Atlanta? 

FTE (Fund for Theological Education) is why. They provided a grant to one of the organizations I am a part of, called the Latino Leadership Circle. As a cohort of ministers we annually provide a leadership training program called ACTS. 

All the Grantees of FTE will be convening this weekend in ATL. If I see any cool photos you know I will post them. 


The Biblical Remix – Don’t Believe

The Biblical Remix – Don’t Believe

Acts 16:16-18 –

While on a missionary trip in Macedonia, Paul and his peoples were walking to the spot for prayer. Along the way a slave girl who was a psychic crossed their path.  This chick started yelling and screaming how these men were godly men and how what they were preaching was a good thing.

For a few days she followed them around and kept yelling these things to the surrounding crowds.

Finally Paul got so tight he looked at her and with God’s authority he commanded the demon spirit that was possessing her to bounce.  And just like that the demon spirit left her.

In the background this Public Enemy song was playing:

“Don’t Believe The Hype, Don’t…Don’t…Don’t…Don’t Believe The Hype…Hoooyeah”


The slave girl was rolling with them for a minute.  She was giving them props and acting like a hype-person for the good things they were doing.  However she was not of the right spirit.

There are people who at times roll with us who seem down for the cause but they are not really down with us.  They have a separate agenda.  Some even have a negative or perverse spirit.  Many times that is hard for us to notice.

Even some of the people who originally started out with us on a project can be down for the wrong reason.

Discernment is the key.  You…we…must discern what spirit we are allowing to join with us.  Not everybody has that love and pure motive to take a project through to the end.  This is applicable in work, ministry, and even relationships.

Be careful who you join yourself too.  And remember, don’t believe the hype.

The Biblical Remix – Prison Break

The Biblical Remix – Prison Break

Acts 12:1-11 –

Having just killed James, one of the main apostles, King Herod next had the apostle Peter locked up. Peter had his hands shackled with chains and was forced to sleep between two soldiers guarding him.

The night before his trial, an angel done showed up in the prison and woke Peter up. The angel knocked off his chains and led him right out of the prison.

As Peter was walking out this Mary Mary song was playing in the background:

“Take the shackles off my feet so I can dance, I just wanna praise you, I just wanna praise, You broke the chains now I can lift my hands, I just wanna praise you”