Morning Leaders – Listen Well

Morning Leaders. Not all leaders listen well, especially some of the leaders who are higher on the rung. Over the past twenty-five years I’ve read, listened, and personally observed countless senior leaders who really just want to hear what “they believe” to be the truth. Ego & Pride often stop these leaders from acknowledging the very things which would be of most benefit to them. May God help us all to listen well. #Grace

Morning Leaders – Actually Do The Work

Morning Leaders. Ideas are not able to be copy written so don’t say someone STOLE your idea. It would be better to say, “I was too lazy to do the work and someone actually did the thing that I was talking about for years. They DID the work while I just THOUGHT about it.” Now if you COPIED someone else’s work and presented it as something original, well you are just a Bootlegger. #DoTheWork