The P Tape Chronicles (New Season)

So I prepared a ten-minute theatrical presentation of “The P Tape Chronicles” at the last “Once Upon A Caterpillar” show. Elaine Glover and I performed it before Ezzy’s “Caterpillar” performance.

Rehearsals went rather smoothly in preparation for the performance. Elaine and I have been cool with each other for the past few years but to play the characters of Michelle and Dave it required us to be rather transparent and vulnerable in a very short time. We needed to have that same kind of connection Michelle and Dave have as friends. It was comforting to share with Elaine my personal experiences and thoughts regarding life and relationships. It was also great to learn about her life and her personal experiences.

Just based on the rehearsals I knew something wonderful was happening. Elaine truly breathed life into a Michelle character I created some four years ago. Our connection was believable and I saw how easy it was for us to improvise the scene in rehearsals.

Needless to say the night of the performance Elaine and I were able to introduce “P Tape” to a theatrical audience in a beautiful way.  The feedback has all been positive and I am happy to know people were touched and affected by the message “P Tape” presented.

I look forward to December 17 & 18 where Elaine and I will be performing a twenty minute version of “P Tape” which will precede the next “Once Upon A Caterpillar” performance at Harvest Fields Community Church in the Bronx, NY.

Dr. Lamar West Quotes

While looking through my cell phone notes, I found these quotes by Dr. Lamar West, the President of the American Bible Society. I am sure I read them in some newspaper/magazine article in January 2009.

“Unless we reduce Biblical illiteracy, the Church has little hope of influencing culture or carrying out its mission to transform lives.”

“It’s all about global Scripture ministry – to get people engaged with God’s Word.”

“I’m totally dependent on God’s help to get people involved and faithfully execute our mission.”