Day 20 – The Prayer Cafe “31 Day Challenge”


Day 20


In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation. – Psalm 5:3


“PRAYER, in the preacher’s life, in the preacher’s study, in the preacher’s pulpit, must be a conspicuous and an all-impregnating force and an all-coloring ingredient. It must play no secondary part, be no mere coating. To him it is given to be with his Lord “all night in prayer.” The preacher, to train himself in self-denying prayer, is charged to look to his Master, who, “rising up a great while before day, went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed.” The preacher’s study ought to be a closet, a Bethel, an altar, a vision, and a ladder, that every thought might ascend heavenward ere it went manward; that every part of the sermon might be scented by the air of heaven and made serious, because God was in the study.” – Oswald Chambers


Let us pray:

May our life be the sermon today. May our prayer-sacrifice make that sermon clear to others.

Lord, show Yourself strong.


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Morning Leaders – You Can See Clearly

Morning Leaders. When people know that you can SEE them for who they truly are, here are four common responses I have witnessed and experienced:
1) They avoid you.
2) They pretend to be someone they are not but you are not fooled.
3) They listen to your advice but don’t apply it.
4) They seek counsel from you and apply the wisdom to their life.