The Biblical Remix – Thirsty

The Biblical Remix – Thirsty

John 4:3-18 –

Jesus was mad tired from his journey through the country of Samaria.  He and his boys stopped off at a hood called Sychar to rest.   It was around noontime.

Tired and thirsty Jesus copped a squat by a well.  He sent his disciples into town to pick up some food and some Twizzlers.

A Samaritan woman stepped up to the well to draw some water out of it with her bucket.  Jesus kindly asked her if she would hook him up with a lil water from the well.  She was mad surprised cause in those days Jewish people and Samaritans weren’t cool like that.

Jesus then started breaking down some spiritual truths to her but she wasn’t flowing with him.  So he then he got open on her and asked her to go get her husband.  She was honest and told him she ain’t have a husband.  (Then this is my favorite part.)  He then blows up her spot and tells her that she had five husbands already and the dude she is living with at the moment is not even her husband.  (Dag!  What did she feel like when this stranger just told her about herself?).

As she was reflecting on the truth of what Jesus said of having five divorces, this Stacy Lattisaw song was playing:

“With music softly playing, his lips were gently saying, “Honey I love you”, He held me in desperation, I thought it was a revelation, And then he walked out, I found love on a two way street, and lost it on a lonely highway…”


Break-ups suck!  How many of us have experienced the horrible pain that comes with a break-up?  You love the person but s/he no longer loves you.  Or maybe it is the other way around and they are in love with you but you are not.  Or perhaps you are both in love but can’t seem to work it out without emotionally killing each other.  Well, I have experienced all three…lol…and the pain did hurt.

I think parts of our heart are so hurt by these breakups we become numb to love or to relationships.  Recently I have been engaged in conversations where individuals seem more content on giving up on “love” rather than risking the danger of being hurt in a relationship.  Avoidance is safer than engagement for them.

This has caused me to consider my own singleness.  Am I avoiding pain?  Upon reflection, my answer is no.  Am I avoiding foolishness?  Most definitely, especially if I see it clearly in front of me.  Am I closing myself off to love and a relationship?  Sometimes.

The idea of sharing my life with someone is something I take very seriously.  Before I make an investment emotionally, physically, and spiritually, I do my research.  Patience for me in this area is a virtue.  I enjoy the friendship so I can get to know better who the person really is, not just get lost by her smooth presentation.  I also want her to see me for who I really am and not get lost in her fantasy idea of me.

I say this because I have witnessed some people who get into relationships because basically they are mad thirsty.  They just want to feel a little love and attention, even if the relationship is a train wreck from the get go.  Sometimes being touched or touching someone is the only language of love some of us know (or want to know).  I have watched  how destructive that has been from my past experiences as well as the lives of some people I personally know.

Now what is it like to have been the Samaritan woman and have gone through not one, but five different divorces (big time break ups)?  Finding rejection in five different marriages could easily shape a woman’s perspective on love and men (Can I get an “Amen”?).  Perhaps those experiences explain why she was living with dude number six and not married to him (I’m just saying yo).

With all that being said, I love how Jesus, against social and religious customs, takes the time to meet her at her point of need.  He goes into her hood, puts her business out there (in private conversation of course), and offers her a grace the religious folk and secular folk of that time (and even today) would never offer her.  That is real love.  That is real grace.  It affected her so much she became the first person to proclaim to the masses about Jesus being the Messiah.

I pray that whatever situation you have gone through or are going through, that you would call out to Jesus so He can give you a living water that will quench your thirst for love, grace, and acceptance.

The Biblical Remix – Woman at the Well

The Biblical Remix – Woman at the Well

While in conversation Jesus decides to blow up this Samaritan Woman’s spot by telling her she had five husbands and the dude she’s with now wasn’t even her husband. Why did he do that?

Because Jesus quickly identified this Samaritan Woman’s theme song was by Mary J Blige:

“Real Love, I’m searching for the Real Love, Someone to set my heart free, Real Love, I’m searching for a Real Love…”

John 4:16-18 –